Dr. Osahon Enabulele Foundation Medical Team Storm ITV/Radio, Conducted Medical Check up On Staff


Jan 23, 2025

By Christopher Ojekere

There was an excitement at Independent Television and Radio on Wednesday , 22nd of January,2025, as all staff members were gathered to benefit from the medical outreach of Dr. Osahon Enabulele Foundation with over 30 medical team members on ground to conduct a comprehensive medical service to staff of the media organisation.

The former World Medical Association President, who led the team and accompanied by his wife, Prof. Mrs Joan Enabulele, who is also the current Chairperson of the Edo State Dentistry Association, some BOT members, like Dr Mrs Eborieme, and the Foundation media team explained, the importance of carrying out medical check ups as a routine and not as coincidental occurrences.

In an opening address, he emphasized that it is a cardinal objective of his Foundation to raise awareness level of the health rights of the citizens.

Pointing out that though access to medical care is a right: ” it is also your responsibility” to ensure you do regular check up. He proved by statistics, that the life expectancy of Africans had always been the lowest by all measuring standards and has remain so till date. He wasn’t surprised at this, because Africa is also most guilty of neglecting to do medical check up; choosing rather to hide under a superstitious escapism of ” it’s not my portion!”. To which the versatile medic would reply : ” whose portion is it”? ” Mine?”

Other speakers at the occasion all decried the failure of citizens to go for medical check up. Prof Mrs Enabulele, who spoke on Dental care was emphatic in drawing a relationship between dental care and ones total health profile. Delivering a comprehensive 20 mins lecture, took the audience through practical ways to use the toothbrush, maintain mouth hygiene and deal with mouth odour as well as fill out and maintain holes in the teeth.

Speaking on Mental health. Dr Mrs Eborieme, enumerated many useful benefits on why citizens should expect behavioural challenges from their colleagues and friends.

She blamed rising cost of living, pressure to meet official targets, deprivation of means of livelihood and the struggle to meet this needs and abnormal behaviour from others as factors that can trigger others abnormalities, “if we are not deliberate about self control.”

She rebuffed self induced anxieties in pursuit of being like the Jones and recommended, slowing down to retain sanity.

There were many questions from the staff of ITV/Radio, who had excitedly turned out in their numbers. The Foundation’s Medical team were on hand to attend to their medical needs. Several checks like: checks for sugar levels, blood pressure, body mass index, hepatitis etc were conducted

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