2023 DHA Election: Dr. Chucks Omelora is the best Man for the Job


May 2, 2023

By: Barr. Andrew okechukwu 

Greatness is a property for which no man can receive credit too soon; it must be possessed long before it is acknowledged.”When one of the 

world’s greatest thinkers, Ralph Waldo Emerson handed down the above words of wisdom, those he had in mind were certainly the likes of Sir (Dr)Chuks Okonji (Omelora)! .

For the trail-blazing Business mogul from Delta State, it is certainly impossible to gloss over his attributes for greatness.He is the embodiment of cerebral articulation, the essence of unparalleled philanthropy,the epitome of intellection and breathtaking simplicity, the personification of undiluted humanness, the perfect example of business leadership symbolism, the paragon of idealism, the soul of humanity, the 

heart of warrior, a perfect gentleman. In the gallery of great leaders and great men, he is without doubt, a rare masterpiece. Anyone who 

encounters him would love to associate with him for his candour, courage and forthrightness. As a human being, his humility and modesty is second to none. As a Businessman, he is sound and engaging.

To describe Sir (Dr) Chuks Okonji(Omelora),in a single piece, could be herculean. You will need to juggle the brain because he is a man of many 

parts, and you might not know from where to begin! But like a popular axiom says, a day begins a story. A lot has been said, written and, perhaps, recorded about this enigmatic personage that has become a household name across Delta State, Nigeria, 

Europe and even other parts of the world. There is unarguably no part of the country that his name does not ring a bell as a Nigerian famous 

Business man because he has touched lots of lives.

I had my first encounter with Sir(Dr)Chuks Okonji Seventy years ago and  his personality revealed a man with an admirable mien – a friendly, unassuming, modest, and quintessential 

As time passed, I saw a man richly endowed with the spirit of making others happy by giving and not getting tired. That was how he warmed his 

way into the hearts of Oshimili people and became a household name, personifying philanthropism. How do I further describe him? A completely 

detribalized Nigerian and a social crusader, who means different things to different people.

The flair and panache with which he combines and joggles all his demanding responsibilities, is a testimony to his nimble faculties and alert 

mind. But, Sir Okonji is however, a man who never rests on his oars. 
I found him, a man who appears not to take life too serious, jokes about everything, yet very principled, humane and sometimes, 

unpredictable. His passion for the welfare of the youths, plight of the down trodden as well as the wellbeing of the people around his environs 

is second to none. 
As the journey towards 2023 continues to unfold, the political system has unveiled the faces of key players that would dominate the politics of 

Nigeria in a post-2023 era but  Sir(Dr)Chuks Okonji is the most competent person at this moment to represent(Ibusa) Oshimili North at the Delta 

State House of Assembly come 2023.
One illustrious son of Ibusa who has decided to throw his hat into the ring to serve the people of  Oshimili North in the Delta State House of 

Assembly is  Sir(Dr)Chuks Okonji through the political platform of APM. Here is an individual, who is determined and well groomed to take the 

centre stage in order to bring the neegded quality leadership and stewardship on behalf of the good people of Oshimili North. Leadership is all 

about the people. Representation is all about service. And when you want to serve the people, it is strategic to locate a man who would be 

humble enough to be of service to the people, not the biggest man in the community who would be there to lord it on the people. Sir(Dr)Chuks 

Okonji truly fits the bill as a man of inimitable wealth but totally humble and devoted to serving the people without asking for anything in 

Omelora is an uncommon politician with the right conviction to dare the impossible and make things work for our people. He has touched lives in 

all the local government areas of Delta North mostly in Oshimili and such persons are in the APC, PDP and other political parties. That is the 

kind of man that would be in the Delta State House of Assembly to represent the people of Oshimili North in 2023 so that all could benefit from 

his representation irrespective of the political party. Omelora has provided scholarships to a countless number of persons across Delta state 

for those in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. He has trained and equip women and youths in livelihood skills, like tailoring, 

hairdressing, welding, computer education, catering and other skills.

Yes, Ndi Oshimili North deserve New Beginnings that is expected to arrive in June 2023, and it doesn’t have to matter what naysayers may say., 

Sir(Dr)Chuks Okonji would not be going to the Delta State House of Assembly to make wealth or amass crude wealth for self and family. He is 

contented in life and simply needs a platform to serve his people better. He would bring changes to the office and invest much credibility in the rating of Oshimili North before the world. His humane, temperate and well-groomed candour stands him out as the finest gentleman to assume 

the Oshimili North seat in the Delta State House of Assembly. He is a remarkable achiever who by dint of hard work and dedication, rose to the 

pinnacle of his career as a Public Servant and accomplished business man. His forthrightness, hue, sagacity and dedication to the Anioma course 

epitomizes the kind of leader the people of Oshimili North need to voice their concerns at the state Assembly.

The 2023 elections on all fronts, is one that must be given our sincere consideration, devoid of sentiments that seek to glorify the prevalence 

of rhetorics, hence for us at Oshimili North Constituency of Delta State, the choice of a representative is a definite attempt to create a  

contemporary history that gifts the people the chance of A NEW BEGINNING.
In the face of these realities, Sir(Dr)Chuks Okonji has learnt like a good student of life, however the lessons he has learnt have put him in 

better stead, with improved sagacity and experience, while also deepening his resolve to not take the easy way out, because the easy way is not 

always the best way.

His resolve is what strikes a note to keen followers and observers, as despite the events of 2019 Chuks Okonji’s personality has not assumed any 

conceited dimension, neither does he exude negative vibes or become toxic to those who come in contact with him.
Oshimili North is our home, our love and our pride, but we know the extent of victimization and vindictive politics that is played in it, where 

Chuks Okonji is the ready target, nevertheless he is all out to get the better end of any development, not just for himself, but for as many 

people as possible.
Friends and Compatriots, this is Who Chuks Okonji (Omelora) Is.

By admin

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