Omerola is Selfless,Humane, Purposeful – Barr. Okechukwu

By Our Reporter 

When William Shakespeare pontificated many years ago that some people are born great, others achieve greatness, while others have greatness thrust upon them, he had the likes of Sir (Dr) Chuks Okonji (Omelora)  at heart.

The Comrade turned Real Estate’s odyssey in life since his birth shows that he is a naturally born great man. This is not to say there were no vicissitudes at the period of his birth and boyhood which worked to no avail to deny humanity this rare gift. The story of the man, vicissitudes, no doubt is one described as from grass to grace by dint of hardwork, focused, perseverance, humility, honesty, integrity and above all God’s Grace.

Omelora is a man of strong will and vibrant speech, of imposing purpose and simple sentiments. His character and politics have continued to please the people. He is genial, witty, unassuming, and endowed with a charm that atones for his errors. Simple and unpretentious in appearance and attire, he has steadily established a reputation for political sanctity and love for our constitutency, Nigeria and its people.

The leis of honour haven’t ceased hanging on the neck of the Ibusa-born Real Estate mogul, Sir (Dr) Chuks Okonji (Omelora). He is gradually becoming a tremendous national human resource. This man of a hugu physical frame from the bowels of the Niger Delta; has, since his return to the country after his educational pursuit overseas, continued to contribute his quota to national development. Interestingly, the activities of Sir (Dr) Chuks Okonji (Omelora) have not gone unnoticed.
The Ibusa-born technocrat has left indelible marks from both private service, academia, international relations, and currently Oshimili North House of Assembly aspriant. 
Of all the contenders for the Oshimili North  House of Assembly in 2023 on the platforms of the various political parties in Delta State, Sir (Dr) Chuks Okonji (Omelora) without equivocation stands taller with untainted records in overall achievements.These were the words of Barrister Andy Okechukwu, London based lawyer while addressing a section of journalists in Asaba over the weekend.

According to the Okechukwu, who is also a social cresuder, the Allied Peoples Movement (APM) flag bearer for the House of Assembly election, Sir (Dr) Chuks Okonji (Omelora) is not only purposeful, but also humane and selfless which are the attributes mostly needed for the successor to our Lawmaker Extraordinaire, Hon. Pat Ajudua who has been historically phenomenal in her approach to leadership and proactive represention.
Sir Okonji, he said, as a Real Estate mogul is best equipped for the demands and exigencies of the Office without caving in to political maneuvering.

“Though the House of Assembly is political, it takes more than a politician to be able to cope with the arduous tasks. The occupant of that coveted office must be articulate, focused, altruistic, selfless, tolerant and at the same time, humane. It’s not easy to find these rare traits in one single individual and this is where Sir Okonji surpasses his opponents having a quantum of these life-giving characters in him”, the Ibusa-born lawyer declared.

He therefore appealed that the only way to sustain the tempo of development already put in motion in the state by our out going lawmaker Hon. Pat Ajudua was to ensure that a like mind and people-oriented personality is supported to be the next House of Assembly member of the state which is Sir Chuks Okonji. Oshimili North is our home, our love and our pride, but we know the extent of victimization and vindictive politics that is played in it, where Sir (Dr) Chuks Okonji (Omelora) is the ready target, nevertheless he is all out to get the better end of any development, not just for himself, but for as many people as possible.
The adventure of Omelora in politics is an epic tale of service and sacrifice. A true model of Nigerian nascent democracy.
Oshimili North people, he warned, must not be deceived into going back to ‘Egypt’ by self-seeking individuals and their political megaphones.
Sir (Dr) Chuks Okonji has all it takes to represent Oshimili North to greater heights and the best choice of representative for the constituency at a time like this.” Omelora to Asaba” Carry go Broda … Nke bu nkenyi…

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