WHEN THE CITY BLEEDS: The Plight of Youth and the Uncertain Future


Jun 3, 2024
WHEN THE CITY BLEEDS: The Plight of Youth and the Uncertain Future

written by: Blessing Iyare Enabulele.(USA)
Youth Advocate for Social Advancement in Nigeria.(YASAN).
06/02/2024. 17:00HR PAC. TIME.

The city streets, once vibrant and full of life, now bleed with the blood of its youth. The sound of gunfire, the wail of sirens, and the cries of the bereaved have become an eerie soundtrack to the lives of those who once called this place home. The future looks bleak, and the question on everyone’s mind is: what does the future hold?

The open cheques of Youth Violence is now cashing out on the society agony, fears, pains and tears.
Youth violence has reached an alarming epidemic proportions, a non denouemental crescendo akin to a point of no return with young lives being lost to senseless acts of brutality. The causes are complex and multifaceted, ranging from poverty and lack of opportunities to gang culture and unabated systemic Cultism. The consequences are devastating, leaving families shattered and communities traumatized.

The Cycle of Violence keeps revolving in an unending gyre.
The city is trapped in a vicious cycle of violence, in a gyration of madness with retaliation, vengeance, vendetta and revenge fueling further bloodshed. The youth are caught in the crossfire, forced to navigate a world where violence is normalized and hope seems lost. The future looks grim, as the cycle of violence threatens to consume an entire generation.

Amidst the gloomy darkness, there are beacons of hope and some silver linings. Community organizations, youths and social activists, and local leaders are challenged to tirelessly work to break this cycle of violence. Creat Initiatives focused on education, jobs and employment, and mentorship that can discourage this menace and offer a glimmer of light in the darkness. The youth are resilient, and with the right support their energies can be redirected onwards positivity that can help them build a better future.

The future holds uncertainty, but also possibility under the same blue sky. Only I f we can come together to address the root causes of youth violence ; majorly Cultism as it stands today, then we can create a city where young lives are valued and nurtured. A city where the sound of laughter and hope replaces the sound of gunfire and despair. The future holds a chance for redemption, for healing, and for a new beginning.

The city bleeds from the blood of its youth, but it is not too late to stem the flow. We must come together to create a future where every young life is precious, and every child has a chance to thrive. The future holds hope, but only if we act now to build a better tomorrow rather than fester a violent today that will keep reassuring us that tomorrow might even be darker.


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