Edo Obedient Movement threatens brims stones, fire against LP. Senator Neda , Hon. Iyawe, two others over defection plans


Nov 1, 2023

By Orobosa Godswill


The last may not have been heard of the gale of defections hitting the political airwaves across the country. Like the everyday Nigeria politicians devoid of party ideology, the rush is always tended towards any political party in power .

In the last general election, the Obedient Movement factor , no doubt favoured certain persons in Labour Party who merely came out to test their popularity in the mulky waters of Nigeria politics.

Though, they were the Candidates of Labour Party for Senate, House of Representatives and the house of Assembly but never believed they could win their seats considering the calibre of more popular and formidable opposition Candidates that were jostling for the same position.

The victory of Senator Neda Immasuen, Hon. Iyawe Esosa , Hon. Murphy Immasuen and Hon Esosa Edosa for instance came as a big surprise to all but then all thanks to He. Peter Obi whose popularity and the Obidients movement that made all of this possible.

However, investigations have revealed that plans have reached advanced stage for Senator Neda Immasuen and the others to defect to All Progressive Congress.(APC)

According to five different support groups spoken to in LP alleged the defection of the trio and protested that Senator Neda and other elected representatives should drop the plans of defection, no matter the pressure or any possible percuniary inducement.

The support groups further threatened that such needless and unconscionable defection would attract severe negative political consequences that would be detrimental to the offenders should they continue the bid to defect

According to them, the seats the elected officers are currently occupying remains the ordinary people’s seats as far as the last general election is concerned and must not be traded out for personal consideration under any guises

This recent development, according to LP faithfuls is unacceptably condemnable as personal interest is said to be the driving force elevated above party interest, arguing that
integrity ought to be an integral and essential quality for leaders to gain the trust and confidence of their constituents but unfortunately in Nigeria, political integrity is near non-existent.

The alleged plans by Neda Imansuen and his colleagues, who are alleged to be contemplating defecting from Labour Party to the All Progressives Congress (APC) after their victories at the polls would be the highest betrayal of the Obidients movement and the teeming LP supporters who

The Importance of Integrity in Politics can not be overemphasized.
It is a fundamental attribute that the people expect from their elected officials. It encompasses honesty, accountability, and a commitment to upholding ethical values and party ideology.

Politicians with integrity prioritize their constituents’ interests above personal gains and remain faithful to the principles of the political party that gave them the platform to serve. The alleged planned defection of Neda Imansuen and his co travellers in this instance would portray nothing but brazen, uncivilized and brute political infidelity that would be injurious to all known decorum which could inadvertently boomerang to injure the future political career of the offenders particularly Neda Imansuen who before now hadn’t any solid political foundation.

Political parties provide platform for individuals to express their ideologies and visions for the betterment of society. When aspiring politicians join a particular party, they signify their agreement with the party’s ideals and pledge to represent those values faithfully. Parties become a medium through which politicians are elected into public offices, leveraging the trust and support of their constituents.

A politician who display traits of political infidelity is not capable of upholding and fulfilling any electioneering promises made to the people and it is better for any society desirous of achieving shared vision of socio economic and political growth to quickly identity and discard such political renegade and rascals to pave the way for more credible individuals.

Nelda Imansuen and his colleagues owe their success in the Senate and the house of representatives election to the support and trust bestowed upon them by the Labour Party. They campaigned under the party’s banner, seeking to address the concerns of the people and bring about positive change. The Labour Party not only provided them the opportunity to contest, but it also put all party’s machineries through all its support groups to engender victory at the polls.

However, there are serious indications of alleged sinister and clandestine speculations on the part of Imansuen and his colleagues to defect to the All Progressives Congress (APC). Their intention, which stands at the realm of speculations presently to abandon the Labour Party for the APC after their victory at the Senate election reeks of ingratitude and dishonesty. Such a betrayal undermines the principles of loyalty, consistency, and accountability that are expected from public servants.

The potential migration from the Labour Party (LP) to the All Progressives Congress (APC) or any other party for that matter if true, especially for personal gain, raises serious questions about Imansuen’s true loyalty and commitment to serving the people. If true, it casts doubts on his ability to fulfill the mandate given to him and fulfill his electoral promises. Betrayals like these not only erode public trust but also raise concerns about the opportunistic nature of politicians who prioritize personal interests over the common good.

The resultant lack of integrity and show of ingratitude that the alleged defection of Nelda Imansuen and his colleagues, who are planning to abandon the Labour Party for the APC after winning their elections, would be deeply disappointing if carried out. Such action would betray the trust placed on them by the people and it would undermine the principles upon which democracy and good governance rest. Integrity is an invaluable virtue and an essential characteristic for true leaders. It is our hope that politicians like Imansuen will reconsider their decisions and prioritize the interests of their constituents above personal gain, thus restoring the faith of the people in the political process.

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