Hearty Congratulations To Rt. Hon. Blessing Agbebaku And Rt. Hon. Barr. Eric Okaka – CFOP


Jun 17, 2023

The Committee of Friends of Owan Progressives, led by its President, Barr. Femi Uangbaoje wish to congratulate Rt Hon Blessing Agbebaku and Rt Hon Barr Eric Okaka on their Inauguration and swearing in as distinguished members of the Edo State House of Assembly.

The Forum specifically noted with delight the emergence of Rt. Hon Blessing Agbebaku as the Speaker of the Edo State House of Assembly stressing that he would bring his wealth of experience to bear in the discharge of his duties.

The Forum is pleased that one of their own has emerged Speaker of the Edo State House of Assembly, a position the Forum noted has eluded the Owan people since 1999

The Forum further noted that with the emergence of Rt Hon Blessing Agbebaku as Speaker of the Edo State House of Assembly, the Owan people have been given a pride of place and the recognition they rightly deserved in the scheme of things in Edo State, noting that there is more to be expected for the good people of Owan East and West.

The Forum therefore pledged their unalloyed support to the Speaker and the Edo State House of Assembly.

The Forum also salutes the dogged determination of Rt. Hon Barr Eric Okaka for his successful swearing as a Distinguished member of the Edo State House of Assembly.
The Forum is proud of Rt Hon Barr Eric Okaka whose tenacity to the ideals of Democracy has seen him through the political odds.

Meanwhile, the Forum humbly urged Rt. Hon Blessing Agbebaku and Rt Hon Barr Eric Okaka to synergize for the development of Owan Land in the discharge of their constitutional responsibilities to the people, as their names await to be written in gold.

The duo are urged to discharge their duties for the advancement of Owan Land and Edo State in general. The Forum noted that there is a need for synergy in order to achieve the desires of the good people of Owan Land who elected them into office.
Once again, congratulations to Rt. Hon Blessing Agbebaku, the Speaker of the Edo State House of Assembly and Rt Hon Barr Eric Okaka and wish them a successful tenure in office.

Long live the good people of Owan East and West
Long live Edo State, and
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Dr. S. O. Gavin Daudu
For: Committee of Friends of Owan Progressives

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