MD SAMOTACA Electronics, Chief Sam Otasowie Commend Edo Journalists For contributing To Economic Growth Of The State


Jun 1, 2023

By Our Reporter

The Managing Director of SAMOTACA Electronics, Chief Sam Otasowie, has commended Journalists in the State for their contribution to the growth of SAMOTACA Electronics over the years.

Commending Media Practitioners for partnering with his Organization over the years , he asserted that the partnership has led to the Economic development and advancement of the state.

Chief Sam Otasowie stated this while receiving Executive Members and members of Federated chapel of Edo NUJ who paid him a courtesy visit in his office in Benin city.

According to him, part of what led to the growth of SAMOTACA Electronics is the balance reportage of the media and adequate publicity which endeared his business name as an household name in Edo State.

” When you started by saying that Samotaca is a big name ringing bells in Edo State, and Nigeria. Yes, it is a big name. It is good that you know what makes that name big. It is the power of the journalists, and the media that make that name big. That means, as the Managing Director of SAMOTACA Electronics , I recognize the power of the media way way back.

“I quiet appreciate your coming for recognizing me and my organisation.” I assure you that whenever my organization is open to journalists and I always pay attention to them because we are all partners in progress. I have so much respect for the media practitioners and they have also given me so much cooperation.

“So for any organisation to actually grow in every society, such firm needs the help of the media in one way or the other. So I thank you for coming because of the way you give detail analysis about the economy, and other areas in the country. But, that does not means we cannot leave our daily lives. Life goes on, and we have to continue to leave our lives.

He urged members of the Chapel to sustain the collaboration with private organizations.
” keep carrying everyone along And your association and your tenure will do wonderfully well,” Otasowie added.

Speaking further, He said the secret of his success in business is friendliness to every single customer that patronizes SAMOTACA Electronics.

Speaking earlier, the Çhairperson of Federated Chapel, Mercy Onyenweli commended the simple but classic life style of the Managing Director of SAMOTACA Electronics, Chief Sam Otasowie and how he has sustained the growth of his business over the years.

“As watchdog of the society, we are proud of SAMOTACA Generator that started very small but today, that little seed has grown steadily with so many youths in your pay roll.”

“We in the media are very proud of your outstanding performance. The success recorded in the distribution of Generators and other electronics cannot be overemphasized. We salute your courage as a private business Man,”

She however assured Chief Sam Otasowie that the Chapel will always be ready to reciprocate the hand of fellowship to SAMOTACA Electronics.

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