Labour Party Governorship Aspirant,Dr Azemhe expresses Confidence on Labour Party emerging Victorious in Tribunal


Aug 22, 2023

Iduozee Efe Paul, Benin

A frontline governorship aspirant on the platform of the labour party in Edo state, Pastor (Dr.) Azemhe Azena, said the party has a great hope to win in the presidential tribunal elections judgment in the court next months.

The foremost labour party hopeful and a philantroplist expressed great hope when he spoke with journalists after the rally and campaigns held for the local government candidates ahead of the local government polls billed to hold in September 2nd, in Edo state, 2023.

Dr. Azemhe Azena who is also a cum educationist said the party believed in the judiciary who served as a hope for a common man will be fair to deliver an accurate judgment.

Dr Azena’s an entrepeneurial said with the massive support rally and campaigns held for the LP Edo state candidates that there is no doubt they the will win the poll.

He disclosed,” labour party victory is coming in all the 18 local government areas in Edo state. We have this assurance for giving out our supports to these candidates. Looking at this large ovations of supports in this rally and campaigns we will emerge winner in the elections in September 2nd, 2023.

” We labour party members are yarning for a change in Edo state and Nigeria. First and foremost, we are tired of where we are coming from, that is why can see everyone asking, yarning, begging that people like us can contest for governor in Edo state to change the narrative.

” There is nothing that will change when you don’t mobilize the people to come out and vote next year. Rather you keep on seeing the labour party masses supports growing everyday from one stage to another.

” We are tired of were we are coming from. A better Edo state and Nigeria is possible . God cannot come down from Heaven to repair Edo state and Nigeria for us. We have to do it for ourselves and that is why I am offering myself for to serve and repair Edo people, if I am giving the opportunity,”

Commenting of the presidential tribunal judgment that is coming up next year, if the LP will triumphy in court, Dr. Azemhe Azena posited,” definitely our hope is large and larger than the elephant you see in the zoom.

” The judiciary you known they say is the hope for a common man. We have a great hope and assurance that the judiciary will do the right thing and give credible judgment. Even the judiciary themselves.

” The judges right from the supreme Court to the lower courts all of them are also tired of the old system. So let the judiciary do the right thing so that their children will not ask them questions when the time comes,” the cleric buttressed.

Responding to answers if it is pertinent for the INEC to take total control of the conducting of an elections in various states, the son of the Oracle said,” accept you are saying that the federal government should also take over the local government council, because these are things that well spelt out in the Constitution.

” You cannot just change an elections that will usher in the local government chairmen into office, execpt the Constitution is been amended. And if you want to amend the Constitution there are several other things or clauses you will work on.

” The local government council came on board via through the 1979 Constitution, and there are stipulations , processes and duties that were spelt out there in the Constitution. So if you want to talk about the changes of the processes of the local government there are other things that would like to put in place or fall on board.

” I will not be on the side of the INEC. Even now is INEC that plunged us in this pecarious situations will find ourselves in Court. INEC is the one conducting presidential, governorship, Senate, House of Representatives and State House of Assembly polls and we are having problems.

” You want to complicate their problems by giving them local government elections to conduct? I will not be in support of the idea, is like they living from frying pan to fire. If INEC can maintain the elections they conducting now and sustain it, and conduct a free, fair and credible elections. Then, we can be agitating for addition,” Dr. Azemhe Azena said.

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