WMA President , Osahon Enabulele Calls On FG To Revamp Medical Health Care Centers Across Nigeria


Aug 29, 2023

Iduozee Efe Paul, Benin

President, World Medical Association (WMA), Dr. Osahon Enabulele has called for the revamping of the nation’s healthcare system so as it can be rated equal with other countries in the world.

The President of World Medical Association made the statements at the 70th birthday of an enigma and a collosus in the medical field , Professor Dominic Osayande Osaghae, and with the launching of his (Osaghae’s) books, held at Doctors’ House, in Ugbowo Benin city, Edo state.

Dr. Enabulele also extolled the best leadership qualities of Prof. Dominic Osayande Osaghae for documenting his experiences in his book, in a modern era, and in the direction, ways and manners for him to inspire the young medical doctors in the State and Nigeria.

Dr. Osahon Enabulele, who was the chairman of the birthday event, with the theme:” ‘The Role of Professional Association in National Development’, said no nation can get it right, when it comes to development without allowing professional bodies to play critical roles and functions.

He asserted,” today speeches should not beclouded of what we are here to do. What we are here to do today is to celebrate a man, that has done so well, not only for himself and his people, but for those around him.

” Of course in the medical profession, and in the healthcare system, indeed the nation at large. I appreciate this very important occasion .

” Prof. Osaghae is a good product and he is available. A man that have be able to observed and navigate a very difficult terrains. So I am delighted to be here today and to join all of us to celebrate him.

” And that is why I ensure that the theme I was chosen in this occasion is apt. ” The Roles of Professional Association in National Development.” We all know where we are as a nation. Nigeria is trying to get it right and the way to the right direction .

” Everybody is challenged personal, and had passed through a very serious crisis for a long time. We all know the reasons why this is so. You don’t need to go through long way to development as a nation.

” And that involves you and I, including professional groups. Who are always seen as members of what I consider, as top post economy progressive. So when you neglect them, you are also neglecting that certain aspects that can contribute to the national development. A government is the objective material condition of the people.

” So no matter the strategy you put on ground, without development that is not building on human capital, building on economy indices and not building on other indices of social economy and other physical development, then you have not arrived. That is why we talk about the government group which is very critical in advancement of national development.

” I want to thank the organizers for unveiling here a man who is far better, and a man who have seen it all at level of health development Dr. Wilson Imongan is to give the key note address, and also withess the launch of a book written by the celebrant.

” i want to say that most of the important interventions that have led to what eventually led to a peaceful Nigeria Medical Association (NMA) was engineered by Prof. Dominic Osayande Osaghae. We are happy today in NMA and what we are enjoying is traceable to the sacrifices made by the celebrant.

” So the celebrant is in a better position than any other persons to write the story on the crisis days on the level of development of the Nigeria medical association. Those of you that are here are bless to witness the launch of the book. So as part of the challenge that we have as a professionals, especially we medical professional is lack because of appropriate documentation.

” I thank him for documenting his experiences in this book in this direction and to inspire the younger ones especially, to see how things were done in those days, and why they should not cause any other crisis that we are to see. By the time you read this book you see why you will not allow any crisis to hold in any professional association including the Nigeria medical association .

” let me end by saying that Nigeria cannot advance if we all cannot play our roles as Nigerians. The time has come for us to look beyond who is appointed as governor, of course to take our destiny into our hands. And to ask ourselves what contributions I am making towards advancing the national development.

” That start from where we are in our family, constituency and various professional associations we find ourselves. I want to charge all of us that apart of projecting the progressive ideas of Prof Dominic Osaghae.

” Let us continually reflect on this questions and seek reptorical questions that will advance our development as a nation. The era forceability will be broken and the era of couraguous disposition of national affairs and issues will now take place. Let us see ourselves as a critical stakeholders in National Development ,” Dr. Enabulele stressed.

Praising the celebrant for his contributions to NMA in the country, the National President of the Nigeria Medical Association (NMA), Dr. Uche Ojinmah, described Prof . Dominic Osaghae, as a great man whose his impact had transform the medical profession in Edo state, and Nigeria in general.

Dr. Ojinmah said Prof Dominic Osaghae had done everything possible to restore peace to NMA in Nigeria. He posited,” Prof. Osaghae served as a peace building block for everything you can imagine and what we have achieve in the society, and in life.

“If your home is not at peace, you have a problem. If your body is not at peace, you have a problem and you are finish.

” So I thank Prof Dominic Osaghae for restoring peace to NMA, and that is the reason why I am the President of NMA today. When you see the sacrifices Prof Osaghae made to bring peace to NMA. You will know that it is not easy.

” So the ills in the society is as a result of our failure individually, and from our families. If Prof. Osaghae can say I will not allow it to go. There would not have been an NMA as we are talking today, and he chosens to behave well .

” I pray that his children will copy that attitude from him. Prof. Osaghae I celebrate you ance again, and I will always stand by you often,” NMA President added.

According to the keynote speaker, and a former Commissioner for Health in Edo state, Dr. Wilson Imongan, described Prof. Dominic Osaghae as a remarkable individual, and a distinguished Physician who had contributed immensely to the medical world.

Dr. Imongan also described Prof. Osaghae as a remarkable achiever whose achievements had left good footprint to the medical profession.

He averred,” I am highly humble and delighted to deliver a lecture to celebrate Prof Dominic Osayande Osaghae. A remarkable individual and a distinguished fellow and a compassionate Physician at 70 years.

” And to reflect on the roles of a Professional Association in National Development with a special focus of the Nigeria Medical Association. I am indeed greatful to the celebrant who personally chosen me for this challenging task today.

” The devil almost prevented this celebration, thank God we are here today celebrating this remarkable achiever. Kindly permit me to thank the organising Committee abely put together and managed by our distinguish NMA World President, Dr. Osahon Enabulele, a loyal mentee and political son of the celebrant.

” Today, we are gathered to honour Prof. Dominic Osaghae. A good visionary leader in a medical profession for his contributions to the Nigeria Medical Association (NMA).

“As past two time Edo state chairman of NMA, and the national President of NMA, including the roles he played when he was the chairman of National Association of the Resident Doctors in Edo state.

” Prof. Dominic Osaghae had left an indelible mark and footprint on our healthcare sector in Nigeria. Due to his long term track record and service to the healthcare in our country.

” Through his contributions to the medical community, as a renowned community Physician, university lecturer, and as a researcher with a long time service and commitment to the medical association,” Dr. Imongan stressed.

Given his welcome address by the Chairman of the organizing committee, and former Commissioner for Health in Edo state, Dr. Patrick Okundia, described Prof. Dominic Osaghae, as a great man

Dr. Okundia said,” on behalf of the committee of friends, and the central planning committee. We want to express our sincere and appreciation to God who had made today a reality.

“We all know that the birthday of the celebrant is on the 4th of August, 2023, and the committee of friends had gathered over a month before the 4th of August to plan with our elder, mentor and leader a befitting birthday celebration.

” Today is history and we are all full of thanks to God almighty. He is standing with us full of good health with high spirit. Today is the birthday of a man which I described as an enigma. He is a lovely father to many of us. A teacher, and a great mentor.

” Prof. Osaghae is a leader politically, socially, economically and otherwise, and above all he is a philantroplist. The committee of friends led by Dr. Osahon Enabulele with the family of Prof. Osaghae decided to put together this birthday activities to celebrate a great man.

In his joyous remarks, Prof. Dominic Osayande Osaghae commended every body that came to grace its 70th birthday with him, and his family, and prayed that God will bless them and multiply their joy.

Prof. Osaghae said, it is God that kept him alive to celebrate his 70th birthday, despite the plans of his enemies to kill him through a motor accident, but God saved and rescue him from the evil attack of the wicked ones.

More so, the Thanksgiving service of Professor Dominic Osayande Osaghae climaxed at St. Joseph Catholic Church, situated at 1st East Circular road, Benin city, Edo state where the celebrant offered thanks to God for saving him from all forms of wickedness in the hand of the his enemies.

Also, diginitries and personalities from all walks of life equally graced the thanksgiving occasion, including senior, and high ranking medical doctors and ICCOBA, EXCOBA old school members attended the church service.

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