Commander Nduka joins SCGYL in Advocacy against non discrimination, crimination, rehabilitation drug users


Nov 16, 2023

By Ifeayinwa Onyenweli

The NATIP Zonal Commander, Commander Nduka Nwannwene has assured SCGYL of collaboration noting the ravaging negative impact of drug abuse in the Country.

Commander Nduka said that the advocacy for non discrimination and crimination of drug abusers remains one of the vital key to the fight against drug abuse.

According to him, all stakeholders must play their roles to ensure rehabilitation centers are built and equipped for victims of drug abuse.

He stated this while addressing the Executive Director of SCGYL, Comrade Edwin Asibor and his team who were in his office for a Courtesy Visit in Benin City.

Lamenting over the manner Human Traffickers have deployed drugs on their victims, Commander Nduka recalled a victim of trafficker who has spent 10years in Mali living with drugs to enable her meet up with financial demands of her boss.

According to him, if nothing drastic is done to curb the menace, then the future of the Country is no longer certain as many Youths are being recruited on a daily basis.

Speaking further, he assured the SCGYL Team of collaboration to intensify the advocacy for non discrimination and crimination of drug users and building of rehabilitation centers for victims of drug use.

The Executive Director of Securing Goldmine of Youth Iniaitive , Edwin Asibor appealed to Commander Nduka to use his office to help promote the non discrimination and crimination of drug users in the country as that would help to reduce the number of drug users.

“The Security agencies are only interested in arresting and prosecuting drug users instead of educating and counseling them as wells as referring them for treatment”.

He added that his organization will continue to push until they get the desired result .

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